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Monday, January 24, 2011

The First Day

Today is the first day of Spring Semester classes for me. I had Life Drawing this morning, but no one brought their supplies, so we didn't draw. I guess this blog is supposed to be there to let us post our inspirations and trains of thought... Sunflowers. I have a bunch of dried ones on my desk. They're beautiful, even dried. Always sunny and bright, and I guess that's a good way to describe what inspires me. Stuff that lasts, and is beautiful throughout it's entire existence. Also the elements; I know it's an overdone topic, but there's just something about the basics of life that I find interesting.

College is a means to an end. My end (hopefully) is working at an animation studio, preferably Disney-Pixar. I always have this goal in the back of my mind when I create something, and my projects usually have some aspect that can be transfered to the computer, to further inspire me. It's like Scrabble; just keep adding letters to previous words to create new ones.

And that's all for the first day of school!

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